Sunday 11 November 2012

Consumers will remember a brand experience more readily than a load of brand facts

In my first Brand Experience Matters post in 2008 I wrote:

A brand is a collection of perceptions in the mind of the consumer”.

So, what shapes consumer perceptions?

A load of stuff will shape their perceptions but a key driver of it will be their experiences of a brand. It is each and every brand experience that shapes what the brand is in the mind of consumer.Since I started writing about brand experiences in 2008 I have been trying to find a good articulation of the power of experiences...."

I read an interesting post by Steve Davies's about content marketing (Skiddmark) in which he says this about experiences:

"We remember experiences more readily than facts, because experiences are more likely to be related to other experiences through one or more sensory triggers – the smell of a classic car reminds us of our childhood, the winding road in Jaguar’s F-TYPE video triggers memories of a favourite drive."

I like it. 

This for me helps highlight why brand organisations need to place more focus on delivering brand experiences that delight consumers not just making a load of brand promises (claims, reasons to believe, 'facts', or whatever..) that are likely to be at best forgotten and at worst not believed. 

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